Saturday, May 26, 2007

Trying vegemite

You've asked for it, I have finally delivered. Its time for the vegemite post.

For starters, it could be argued quite easily that Vegemite is a big a part of Australian culture as are Qantas, rugby, and akubra hats. Possibly bigger, because outside of the bush, no one wears akubra hats.

The Aussies love Vegemite. It might be its own food group. So, it was time to see what all the fuss was about.

First off, there is a right way and a wrong way to try vegemite. Most people when trying Vegemite stick their finger in it and put a big dallop of it in their mouth. After all, it LOOKS like chocolate, so why not? Let me ask you this: if you knew a guy who had never had butter before, would you tell him to just put a big glob of it in his mouth? Of course not. You would tell him to put it on toast first. Same with vegemite.

Yes, in fact, I did eat this.

Vegemite has a distinct scent to it. Its hard to describe. It doesn't smell like vegetables (nor mites, not that I know what they smell like) Whatever it is, it doesn't exactly scream "eat me" when you take a whiff. Think the opposite of a good wine.

Anyway...its time to chow down.

Hey, YOU try taking a picture of yourself while eating Australiana.

First reaction: This is really salty. Whodathunk it? Vegemite is salty. Then it tastes kind of like vegetable paste. I know, you're thinking, duh...thats what it is. But honestly, the secondary taste is exactly what you might expect out of a vegetable paste. In fact its not that bad.

Then the aftertaste comes and...well, the after taste, which lingers longer then an unwanted drunk guy at a party, is not enjoyable. That said, I struggled valiantly through. I was determined to eat the whole piece of toast. But, eventually, Vegemite won. The half eaten toast is the result of my battle with Vegemite.

In general, visitors to Australia hate Vegemite. Its found to be disgusting, repulsive, and just all out nasty. I found it to be not that bad. In all honesty, it wasn't terrible. Would I eat it again? Hell no! Did I spit it out or spew because of it? No.

My reccomendation: if you come to Australia, try it. You have to try it at least. Actually, according to the last part of this article, its available in the US, though I've never seen it. At any rate, try it.

And Mom, yes, I know that right now you're remembering all those times I refused to try (insert food here) and no I'm not taking you up on those offers.

At any rate, to close out, here's a YouTube clip of Vegemite's latest ad campaign.

We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch, and tea...


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