Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash

So, I figure'd I would actually show you guys a picture of the Australian money. After all, it is awesome. Basically, if you think its weird that the US's new twenties have a colour other than green on them...get ready for a good 'ol fashioned mind blowing.

Like, woah, man.

Not pictures are the 50 (which is yellow) and the 100 (which is green). They are not pictured because, as a uni student, I am not allowed to possess such currency notes, as it may entitle me to meals other than two minute noodles.

One thing you will notice about all the bills is (outside of the colour) the clear spot in each of them. In every bill, there is a bit of plastic inserted into paper. I'm guessing this is an anti-counterfiet measure. Its also made out of polymer, which I found out at the always academic Wikipedia.

Personally, I've taken a liking to the 10 dollar note, as I must agree with the man's fashion regarding hats.

I could totally be on the ten dollar bill.

The other thing you might notice is the bills get smaller as the value decreases. I'm fairly certain the Euro does the same thing to help the vision impaired. Thats pretty cool.

Along the side of the bills, I displayed the coinage used by the Aussies, and this coinage has been a source of frustration for me. At the top are the two dollar coin and the one dollar coin. Guess which one is smaller?

If you said the 1-dollar coin, congratulations: you have more sense of logic than the Australian mint. Instead, the two dollar coin is relatively small, and is therefore a good candidate for getting lost. The added benefit is my habit of finding coins during my room cleaning has become slightly more lucrative.

The most unusual coin is the fifty cent piece. Its by far the largest coin, and does not have round edges. Instead it has flat edges. This makes it easy to find, and easy to handle.

Currency isn't the most exciting topic I've discussed here, and I really don't have much more to add. Though, the value of the Australian Dollar is gaining, which while I'm usually totally opposed to this, now that I'm a little under four weeks from coming home, I'm openly cheering on the Aussie dollar to reach unparalleled heights...sometime around June 23rdish.

Because, just like Pink Floyd, I think I need a Lear Jet.


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At 1:28 PM, Blogger Ike said...

I don't think Senators ever end up on a country's currency. In other words, you should run for president. Or dictator.


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