Thursday, March 01, 2007

Meat Pies and other foods

I went to the grocery store today and found some interesting things. Such as...

~Eggs are not refrigerated in stores. This scares me. Also, all the eggs are brown, hardly any white eggs, so its the opposite of what you would find in the states. It does say to refrigerate the eggs once you buy them though.

~They don't have 1% or 2% milk. They just have milk. I hope the Aussies version of mil is of the 2% variety.

~Cheddar cheese is a light yellow, instead of orange. (What? Americans dying food? Never...)

~Kangaroo meat is fairly cheap. I bought some because I felt obliged to. I have no idea how to prepare it. I'll figure it out though. Looks pretty good though, so we'll see. Perhaps this website can help me out.

After shopping, I was a bit hungry. Since I've arrived I had heard about how good meat pies were, and that I needed to try one. My friends are downright shocked when I tell them I still haven't had one.

So, this particular day, that needed to change. I got a beef pie.

And it is massively delicious.

Nice flaky crust, filled with nice tender beef. You realize why the meat pie is big down here. Its awesome. I can't wait to have another one.

(Side note: When I told one of the guys on my floor that meat pies aren't popular in the States, he referred to America as a third world country.)

Restaurant note:

As my friends back in the States might know, I am a fan of the fast food places. They might not be good for you, but hey, you can't beat a cheap quick meal.

Down here, they have the typical American staples: McDonalds (referred to as Mackers), Burger King (Hungry Jacks, the logo is the same though), KFC, Subway, etc.

Of course, I didn't want to try something I can get back home. Thats not what this trip is all about. So, I tried Oporto.

These guys make the best chicken sandwiches I've ever had. GOt a nice little kick to them as well. The company was started by a Portogese immigrant. According to the story on the bag...well, its actually on the website, so here you go.

Oporto’s founder Antonio Cerqueira opened his first Portuguese-style chicken restaurant in North Bondi in 1986, stunning the locals' taste-buds and quickly gaining a growing army of fans.

If Oporto went into battle tommorow...I'd be on the front lines.

Their website could be viewed here: Oporto

On a sidenote, yes, I've tried Vegemite, but it is deserving of its very own post.

Until then, cheers!


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At 7:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

When I was in Japan, I was forced one time to eat at McDonalds by some of the people I was with. I ordered the only thing that I didn't recognize. I still don't know what it was. Some sort of tangy BBQ sandwhich with weird veggies I wasn't sure about. It tasted alright, but not quite normal...


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