Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy Queen's Birthday

BTW, there's a brief update on the Neighbours post, which is essential Australia-loving goodness.

Anyway, I'd be a bad blogger if I didn't post about the Queen's Birthday. The Australian's celebrated it yesterday, even though its, well, not her birthday. Or even really the Queen anymore, as Australia got that whole independence thing down.

Basically, the day was a reason to take the day off (public holdiay) and shoot off fireworks, which are temporarily un-illegal for a weekend. Kind of like how two-up was only played on ANZAC Day, but with more explosions.

How did I celebrate? Well, I watched the footy (Cronulla over St. George) and studied for the exam that I just got done owning. And I watched the fireworks as well. It was especially fun when one started shooting in random directions. Nothing quite like sheer terror to help you celebrate the monarchy!

From what I could tell, Australians were more pleased that they got the day off then that it was the Queen's Birthday. No real ceremony or anything. Just a Long Weekend (which meant double demerits on car liscences) and fireworks.

In honour of Queen and me finishing my exams, here's a random YouTube clip which has nothing to do with Australia.




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