Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A lesson in the postal service and my classes

Recently, I needed to mail something down to Australia. Since it was for housing, I felt it was important that it get there fast. At the Post Office I inquired about express delivery to Australia. Keep in mind this is only an envelope with a letter in it.

Normal its 1.89. Express its 35 something.

Unless this express mail actually delivers the mail yesterday, we'll take our chances with the cheaper service, which takes teen days.

Onto my classes. No schedule yet, but I am enrolled in...

Creative Writing. I'v always wanted to take this kind of class, so here we go. Maybe I'll write about a dashing young American who always gets the girl. Now wouldn't that be fantasy.

Internet and Media Communication. And you thought that the Internet was only for sports scores and feet fetishes. HA! You can mass communicate on it too.

Sports Marketing. I have no idea how I would have a use for this class. Ever....

Those are the official ones. I'm trying to get into New Technology and Globalisation. Like the Matrix, but without the Kung Fu.

Thats about it for now. Until then,


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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Getting ready update

Its about three weeks until I head down to Australia. People ask me if I'm excited about the trip, and the answer is kind of a strange one. Its sort of a mixture of yes and no.

Yes, of course I'm excited. I've only been to Canada twice, and thats my international experience. I'm going to Australia, its going to be awesome and a life changing experience.

At the same time, its still three weeks away, so I'm not overly excited yet. I'm not excited in the "Oh boy, here we go!" sense. I'll probably start getting that way, but right now its all fairly even keel.

I got word today that my housing forms arrived and were fine. So, I won't be homeless in Canberra. Here's a link to where I'll be staying,


I'll be in a single (hooray for privacy) but I think just about everything at UC is. The dorm comes with a phone, lamp, and a fridge. At least at SIU, the first two were not included, and the fridge has to be rented.

The biggest difference is, I have to cook for myself, even though I'm in the dorms. This means that once I'm down there, I need to find a pot, a pan, and some cooking stuff. Considering I'm in the capital, I don't think this will be a problem, but it adds a wrinkle to the equation.

This also means I'm sure to do a full report on Vegemite. http://www.vegemite.com.au/

They all look so happy on that website!

By the way, if you're curious to know how I'm preparing for the trip, I'm reading Lonely Planet's guide to Australia. Anything you want to know about the country is there. Hot spots for tourists, where to get a good meal (and drink) and some of the must sees in any city. Even reading about parts of the country I probably won't see is fascinating.

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Alan in Oz

My name is Alan Hoffmann. I'm going to be studying abroad for a semester in Australia. The University of Canberra to be more specific. On this site, I hope to share some of the experiences I'll have with friends, family, and whoever else wants to stop by.

Leave a comment if you like, and enjoy the ride.


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