Thursday, June 21, 2007

A sign off from Down Under

This is my last post from Australia. And, if you knew how many times I'd erased some sentences, you'd know that I have no idea what to actually say.

Its been fun, its been the best five months of my life. I've loved every minute of it, even when I was watching one of my newly beloved teams get beat. Granted, I enjoyed those times significantly less then say, the good nights in Civic, but they were still enjoyable.

I've met amazing people, and I wish I could spend more time with all of them. Without the people I've met here, surely this experience would not have been as great as it was. So, to everybody fron the International Office to the people on my floor, and to the various mix of backpackers I met along the way, I thank you.

I've seen some amazing sights, from the Sydney Opera House to the Great Barrier Reef. I don't know how many times during this trip I've uttered the words, "I can't believe I'm here."

If you, the reader, takes anything away from my writings the past few months I hope I've encouraged you to travel or study abroad. Its a great experience. There's part of me that would love to hop on a plane in January and come right back here, and there's another part of me that looks at a world map and asks, "Where next?" I want to see more of the world, and I hope you do as well.

I've had fun writing this blog, and will continue to do so. I have a few posts to put up, a few more stories to share. There's even a word or two in the Aussie vocab I didn't get to. So, the blog will be active for a while longer.

Before I post again though, I have a long Saturday ahead of me. At least I have a few puzzles to do on the plane.

Its time to go, but as the International Students have been saying, "Its not good-bye, its see you later."

Australia, I hope to see you soon.



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