Sunday, March 11, 2007

Australian Word of the Non-specified Time Period: Mate

THis time, the word isn't just Australian. Sure, we use it America as well, but not like they do down under. Its time to discuss the word "mate."

Mate can be used to describe your friends.

Me and my mates went down to the Lighty for a few drinks.

It can be used as a common greeting.

Hey, mate!

Here's the best part: you don't have to know the person to call them mate. The cashier at Checkers...mate, the cab driver...mate, the person sitting next to you on the bus...mate. Think of it as a friendlier version of "you". Instead of, "You there, could you pass me that book?" You would say, "Hey mate, could you pass me that book?"

You don't know the person, but feel free to call them mate. This also means if there's someone you don't even like, you can call them mate.

In fact, the Lonely Planet guide to Australia says to not go unless you're willing to call everyone mate, regardless of you knowing them or even liking them.

When I return to the states, I'll probably be using mate for awhile, but considering no one else uses it, it may fade from my vocabulary after awhile. But, I'll do my best to keep it around as long as possible.





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